
Hannah Schmedes

works at the Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM). She completed her BA in Philosophy and Cultural Studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg and her MA in Media Studies at the University of Potsdam with a thesis on “Containing: Leaks. A research on figures of the porous.” Schmedes’ key research focuses on feminist science studies, media culture history, anthropology and infrastructure, as well as their gender-specific metaphorization. She organizes feminist writing workshops on Wikipedia’s publishing and interface policies. Recent publications include “A Laboratory for Living Off-World: Re-narrating Biosphere 2,” in Earth and Beyond in Tumultuous Times, ed. Réka Gal and Petra Löffler (Lüneburg: meson press, 2021).
Weitere Texte von Hannah Schmedes bei DIAPHANES
  • Digitale Kultur
  • Kunst
  • Ökonomie
  • Kulturkritik
  • Digitale Medien
  • Ökologie
  • Kapitalismus