
Heiko Stubenrauch

Heiko Stubenrauch

is Research Assistant at the Institute of Philosophy and Science of Art at Leuphana University Lüneburg. He studied philosophy, sociology, economics, cultural studies and art history in Frankfurt, Lüneburg and Hamburg. From 2016 to 2019 he worked as a researcher and PhD student within the DFG research training group “Cultures of Critique.” He has published on critical theory, political philosophy and philosophy of technology. He is co-editor of What’s Legit? Criticism of Law and Strategies of Rights (Zurich: diaphanes, 2020). His main research interests are the Frankfurt School, poststructuralism, German Idealism, Marxism, aesthetics and theories of the unconscious. In his PhD thesis, he examines the relationship between critique and affect, especially in the works of Kant, Adorno and Deleuze.
Weitere Texte von Heiko Stubenrauch bei DIAPHANES
  • Gerechtigkeit
  • Gesellschaft
  • Recht
  • Rechtspraxis
  • Kritik