
Ines G. Županov

is Senior Research Fellow (directrice de recherche) at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris and she is co-director of the  Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (CNRS/EHESS). She also taught early modern history at the University of California at Berkeley, at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. She is author of Disputed Mission; Jesuit Experiments and Brahmanical Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century India (Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999) and Missionary Tropics;  The Catholic Frontier in India (16 th-17th centuries) (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2005). She co-edited five books of which the latest is L’Inde des Lumières; Discours, histoire, savoirs (XVI-XIXe s.)/ Indian Enlightenment : Between Orientalism and Social Sciences (XVII-XIX siècle ), coedited with M. Fourcade,  Purusartha, 31, Editions EHESS, 2013. Her articles in English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and Croatian are published in edited books and journals (Annales, Representations, Etnosistemi, Studies in History, Indian Economic and Social History Review, Archives de sciences sociales des religions, Journal of Early Modern History, Revista de Cultura, Itinerario, Medieval History Journal, etc.). A co-written monograph with Ângela Barreto Xavier entitled Catholic Orientalism ; Portuguese Empire, Indian Knowledge (16th-18th c.) is forthcoming from Oxford University Press in  New Delhi.

Weitere Texte von Ines G. Županov bei DIAPHANES
  • 18. Jahrhundert
  • Portugal
  • Machtanalytik
  • Kunstgeschichte
  • Ikonographie
  • Bildtheorie
  • 17. Jahrhundert