
Tatiana Boyko, Marion Kadi, ...: Newton and the Club of Astronomers

Tatiana Boyko, Marion Kadi, Abram Kaplan

Newton and the Club of Astronomers

Übersetzt von Jordan Lee Schnee

Gebunden, 64 Seiten

Look through a powerful telescope? Stubbornly puzzle your brains? Travel through the globe? How on earth can one solve the mystery of the stars?

Why not fly to the dark side of the moon! Because that’s where the famous Club of Astronomers meets: come along and hear what Isaac Newton told them about his pioneering thoughts on the force of gravity and planetary orbits.

  • Junge Leser
  • Entdeckung
  • Naturwissenschaften
  • Astronomie

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Tatiana Boyko

is an illustrator, born on the small and picturesque island of Tenerife. Currently she lives in London. Since the noise of the world is hard for her to bear, she is going to retire to the moon.

Marion Kadi

is an artist. She and her co-author Abram Kaplan live on various continents until one day a force greater than gravitation reunites them. This story is the fruit (an apple?) of their collision.

Abram Kaplan

is a historian of mathematics. He and his co-author Marion Kadi live on various continents until one day a force greater than gravitation reunites them. This story is the fruit (an apple?) of their collision.