
Serhat Karakayalı: Fear of Migration: Feelings as a Mode of Political Thought
Fear of Migration: Feelings as a Mode of Political Thought
(S. 125 – 136)

Serhat Karakayalı

Fear of Migration: Feelings as a Mode of Political Thought

PDF, 12 Seiten

  • Körper
  • Ästhetik
  • Affekte
  • Wirksamkeit
  • Performativität
  • Social Media
  • Mediengesellschaft

Meine Sprache

Aktuell ausgewählte Inhalte
Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Serhat Karakayalı

arbeitet als Forscher am Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM) an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Gegenwärtig untersucht er Themen wie das ehrenamtliche Engagement für Geflüchtete, kosmopolitische Konzepte der Solidarität und die Zivilgesellschaft als Ort politischer Sozialisation in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Zu seinen jüngsten Publikationen zählen u.a. »Feeling the Scope of Solidarity« in der Zeitschrift Social Inclusion (2017) und »Scales of Responsability. Constructing Relations of Solidarity« in dem Band Refugees Welcome? Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany (Hg. Jan-Jonathan Bock, Sharon Macdonald, Berghahn, 2019).

Weitere Texte von Serhat Karakayalı bei DIAPHANES
Marietta Kesting (Hg.), Susanne Witzgall (Hg.): Politics of Emotion/Power of Affect

In the past decade the relevance of emotion and affect in societal dynamics and power relations has increasingly become the focus for scientists and artists. Across disciplines they are breaking down the opposition of cognition and feeling, and emphasizing the central meaning of emotions and affective atmospheres for personal judgement, decision-making and the realm of politics. The present publication can be seen as an enhancing contribution to these discourses. It particularly focusses on artistic positions, which are brought into dialogue with philosophical, gender-theoretical or neuro- and social-scientific approaches. It addresses the ambivalent political dimensions of anxiety, hope and empathy, as well as the relationship between emotion and habit or the power of (media-)technical affective processes. The publication is the result of the sixth annual programme of the cx centre for interdisciplinary studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Munich.


With contributions by Marie-Luise Angerer, Ben Anderson, Jace Clayton, Keren Cytter, Antonio Damasio, Cécile B. Evans, Karianne Fogelberg, Deborah Gould, Susanna Hertrich, Serhat Karakayali, Marietta Kesting, Carolyn Pedwell and Susanne Witzgall.
